Thursday 14 February 2013

Stream of Consciousness

The stream of consciousness exercise was really good fun! We all sat round in a circle with pens and paper and repeatedly counted "1,2,3", in waltz rhythm. We are then told to simply 'write', while occasionally words are called out to help us think of different themes.
I find this exercise really helpful as it lets me write without having to consciously think, where usually I find writing quite hard to start off with.
Our combined attempts at this exercise were interesting to say the least (we passed our piece of paper round the circle each time we finished a sentence).

This is an example of the group's combined stream of consciousness (each contribution is on a separate line):
"Breathe out they say come to the surface
But this mask is not working I say
It's not working I won't be able to breathe
Said the fish as it left the sea on a bike
Why has that lobster decided to stand in the middle of the road?
Because the lobster has nowhere to go
It has no purpose in it's life to live...
Oh - smile love
Smile mo'fucker! You mad bitch."

This almost seemed to be an insight into how other people's minds work. I find it interesting to see how some people seem to think quite poetically, while others quite literally. A couple however do appear like they are trying to deliberately write something funny/shocking - I don't think the exercise worked as well for them.

This is my individual stream of consciousness (I did not include much punctuation as I was writing quite quickly):
"Need to get inside to feed the cat I haven't been able to get inside for days now I don't get why I can't go in there are no cats here and I miss them do they miss me? No idea can't wonder why I feel quite tired but embrace the cold feeling of tired and and lonely frustrated at doing speaking about horrible subject cannot understand the need to take someones deep idea and take the piss its disgusting really we're not helping and I definitely can't help upset and annoyed but need the tea which owing now sort out tomorrow everything will be sorted tomorrow as tomorrow is -"

I think I was pretty honest with myself during this exercise! It's not really something I would consider working further on (for a solo piece), though I definitely found it interesting and weirdly quite freeing. I would be interested in what would happen if we were to try this exercise with music in the background.

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