Thursday 7 February 2013

BBC News Brief

We have looked into the news story (on BBC) concerning the student Megan Stammers. She has run away with her tutor to Paris. I need to chose an alternate veiwpoint on the story and create a 5 minute solo piece based around this. Examples we were given were; her friends, her family or Megan herself.
As we were given examples I instantly thought 'I need to think of something different!'
I first thought of being someone completely unrelated to the story, who is on the internet and comes across the story. I then thought it ma be better to be someone who is closer to home, so I decided to create a piece based on Megan's (hypothetical) pet cat.
As my own pet cats seem to be quite selfish and lazy, I wondered if her cat would care - or even notice- that she had gone. I decided to make the piece more movement based so that the cat's true opinions weren't revealed until the end. I looked into different exersizes in flexibility and yoga positions to help with my body movements and I watched the musical 'Cats' to see how others had made themselves appear feline.
I only used brief text in this piece, as the cat notices the audience are present:

"Oh. You're looking for her, aren't you? Well she's not here. She's been gone for days now... She's not getting this bed back."

I used quite a 'snooty' voice for the cat, very posh and well-spoken. As this is how I imagine a selfish cat would sound!

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