Thursday 14 February 2013

Franca Rame

16th October '12. Today We looked at and discussed Franca Rame's "I don't move, I don't speak, I have no voice". I was not a big fan of this piece. Parcially because I find the topic of rape upsetting and difficult to talk about (especially within a mixed-group setting with people I don't always speak to socially) and also parcially because I felt the solo piece Rame had written was very personal to her and I felt it was therapy for her. I found the whole lesson quite difficult to be a part of, especially when watching classmates discussing the subject dismissively while also laughing about the topic during the group task.
I was paired with Natalie Sugars and our task was to take a line or two from the piece and create a short performance (one directing the other). I directed Natalie and we took the first line "The radio's on".
I asked Natalie to sit quiet and still while slowly lifting up her head. Then half smile before delivering the line (counting to 10 between each direction to keep the movement slow and controlled).
I wanted to attempt this task properly without avoiding it (although this was instinct!) I found by leaving out graphic detail it left room for audience interpretation and I think it was a successful piece. I think I could challenge myself further by adressing certain subjects which I find, understandably, uncomfortable (E.G rape and violence).

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