Thursday 14 February 2013

Edward Hopper

I have selected the painting "A Woman in the Sun" from a collection of Edward Hopper paintings for this assignment.
I did not look at the woman in the picture as simply 'naked'. I saw her as a blank canvas. If she was wearing clothes I think her style of dress may have dictated the kind of character. I liked that it was just her alone in the room, and I considered creating a 'morning after the night before' scenario for her (as she is also smoking and has heels on the floor I thought this may have fit). I decided against this idea however, as I felt like I was backing away from working on something more personal.
I created this week's piece based around the idea of being in a post 'trip' state - rather than hungover - as I felt this allowed for more interesting context (and as everyone knows - context is everything! ...And I had also been quite interested in the research into LSD I had done previously.) I felt I explore writing more poetically as apposed to writing feelings of depression and shame.

"This morning i woke up alone, a gap in the great bed to vast for my lone body, I blinked confused, sad and looked
about the room. The once magnificant towering walls about me, which enclosed the bed in wonderous patterns and a
kolidescope of endless colours and shape are stood strong still, but bare. There is nothing there.
Grabbing and clutching at too much covers for my lone soul, I hold myself up and sit quietly tightly processing the
change, maybe just complacent though definitley not contented with the new found situation. Surroundings I have always
thought can alter the subconsious mind and bring forward posible subdued feelings, and in this case the bare walls
told me I was blue.
Blue, yes blue are the walls and now so is my mind. Gazing forward, I notice first that I am still waking and my thoughts
are still adjusting, I notice secondly that there hanging there, is one remaining lone picture. How symbolic. It's trees.
Trees have always held a special sort of meaning, here. Trees I imagine are the mothers of the earth, lone standing mothers,
all strong and some together. Family of trees that gave life to us. Stupid little monkeys. Sad lonely little monkeys.
I'm desperately searching my mind for the answers here, sitting now alone in my bare little cemented box... I sigh.
And I let the anxt go.
The ceiling is bare too.
The window is wide open.
The door is bolted shut.
Thoughts and zaned ideas begin rushing ferosiously through my head. I feel something is warped, what happened here?
My mind offers no recollection. My body is weak. My soul... Hears something.
I heard once there are voices, if you listen closely. Yes the voices are there.
If you start listening to them, they start listening to you.
And if you look, really look. You will see them. They like to hide, but they're everywhere.
You look right at them, and they'll look right back at you.

The walls are bare.
And there's no-one there.

I think I'll smoke today.
I might look out the window."

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