Saturday 23 February 2013

Back Story of a Minor Character

I had no idea where to start with this session's brief at first, we had to create a back story for a minor character in a film/play/story whom the rest of class would know/recognise. I thought about creating a piece based on a Storm Trooper -from Star Wars - who had a change of heart and decided to become a careers adviser, advising students not to go and work for the dark side, but I soon realised I didn't know enough about Star Wars for this to be believable! I then decided I would play 'Lucky' from Samuel Beckett's 'Waiting for Godot', as we had seen and studied this play in class and everyone would know the character. I decided to carry on Lucky's story after the play, I wondered what would happen to Lucky if Pozzo had died/left him leaving him with the ability to do what he wanted and think for himself. I then wondered if he would even be able to think for himself anymore (assuming he had spent a very long time with Pozzo). I thought I would explore the irony of him finally being free but not being able to appreciate it, I thought he would maybe get stuck in the same routines and become confused by the presence of others - not seeing them as equal, but above him.


LUCKY stands CS, he is asleep. He is carrying an assortment of bags, an umbrella, a newspaper and a coat.
He slowly wakes up and stares at the audience.
He drops his belongings and signals to the audience to stand up.
He takes a chair from an audience member and places it USR. He returns to stand CS.
He repeats this process until all audience members chairs are US.
He signals to the audience to sit back in their chairs.
He picks up his belongings and stands CS.

LUCKY: (Gesturing to his belongings) these aren’t mine.

He turns to face the audience, US.

LUCKY: They used to be his.

He drops his belongings and looks at an audience member. He selects a bag and hands it to the audience member. He continues selecting audience members and hands them his belongings until they have all been given away.

LUCKY: They’re yours now.

He walks to CSL. He turns to face the audience.

LUCKY: He used to have a hat. It made me think. Now, I just do.

He turns to face SL.

LUCKY: Now I have nothing.

He walks to USL. He turns to face the audience.

LUCKY: I am Lucky.

Exit USL.

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