Wednesday 13 March 2013

Fantastic Planet

This is a film called The Fantastic Planet - originally 'La Planete Sauvage' (translates to 'The Wild Planet') - and it was made in France in the 70's. The film is set on a planet where aliens dominate, and they keep humans as pets. The wild humans are seen as vermin and the aliens try to get rid of them - as if they were pests. The humans manage to steal one of the aliens 'learning devices' and with that, all of the humans are able to know what the aliens know. Long story short, they fight at first but then agree to live together peacefully. I like the concept of this film, the way the aliens treat the humans at first is exactly how we treat most other animals.
I think the story works because although the film is set in a completely different world, it has enough similarities with our world for us to relate to it, and gives us a powerful message. I want to create my own world for this solo piece and I have let my imagination run away with me a bit! But I think in order for my audience to understand the piece, I need to keep relating back to our world and society.

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