Thursday 7 March 2013

Christmas Homework

Over the Christmas break we were given this poem:
I have eaten
The plums
That were in
The icebox
And which you
Were probably
For breakfast
Forgive me
They were delicious
So sweet
And so cold.

We had to create a piece based on this, and I liked the style the poem was written so I thought I would continue the story and build on the character further. I liked the idea of having someone who felt compulsed to confess everything they had done, and thought it would be quite sweet - though a little sad - if it was an older lady who was becoming gradually more forgetful and wanted to get eveything out in the open while she still could.
Forgive me


Now I near

The end


I know there’s

Not much time

For us

to speak


I will confess all

I’m sorry

For everything

I can remember


When I was young

About 6

I stole a sweet

Stripy mint humbug


At seven

I stole chocolate

2 squares

From my Dad


At eight I was good

I wanted

A bike

For Christmas

At nine I screamed

And shouted

As Santa was

Not real


Through my teens

I ate a lot

Drank a lot



I was happy

Everyone else

Thought I had



I met you

You made me happier


Thank you


I left that tap on

When we went

on holiday

Not a burst pipe, sorry


I found ten pounds

In the street

I spent it on sweets

Didn’t share


I found your shirt

The one with

The flowers

I hid it again


It’s not the flowers

Flowers smell


Pink’s not you


Pink is the colour

I forgot

Last week

Remembered now


Also forgot someone’s


Quite a few

Feel bad


Had the lady’s tea

In the next bed

When she slept

Felt sick


Hid my dinner

From last night

Not sure where

Can still smell it


Think I might be tired

But I

Am never

Really sure


Think I will walk

And find


To speak to


I found you

And I took

Your blue

I forgot the room

The name

Of it with

The sink


A box in it too

Cold box

With a light

Food and ice


I have eaten

The plums

That were in
The ice box

And which you

Were probably


For breakfast


Forgive me

They were delicious

So sweet

And so cold.

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