Friday 2 November 2012

The Hand-Imp

This is a poem I wrote for one of my homework assignments. It did not need to be a poem, but I thought I needed to try something "outside the box"... And outside my comfort zone. I enjoyed writing this, and I did not expect to find it as easy as I did to make the words flow. I think it's definitley something I could continue working on, and I will be trying to write more poetry even if I do move on from this.

The Hand-Imp
The Hand-Imp says not where he is from
Or she, or them, or it
The Hand-Imp clambers merrily along towards your finger tip.
Picking for nails, from girls or males
Sex matters not to the Hand-Imp.
What does matter though, when they get past the toe,
Past the trousers and jeans
Up by any means
Around your waist
And then, with haste
Down your sleeve
Oh, so naïve are we of the skills of the Hand-Imp.
The importance, what matters?
Those five crusty factors
Tis not the palm that imps desire,
Nor the knuckles they require
Your wrinkly skin
All stretchy and thin
The imps will pull at
And laugh at somewhat
As Hand-Imps hands are terribly smooth
And green, yes they leave a sheen
As they scratch at your thumbs
Making handy skin crumbs
They’ll scrabble along ‘til they reach your claws, then they’ll pause.
Then they’ll pick out your nails.
Yes those things sat in beds at the ends of your digits
For those little midgets it’s Heaven on hand
How grand they must feel
Tucking into a meal
Made solely from talons
Hand-Imps like the challenge, you see
Getting food for free
Well, it’s not food for me
Or you, unless you like to chew
On the ends of your fingers
Just mind those that linger.
There, on your finger, the Hand-Imp.

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