Thursday 1 November 2012

Music Research

This is Jean Richie's "Skin and Bone". I love folk music and Jean Richie especially, her music has a beautifully simple sound and the lyrics in this song are great to follow as she is narrating a short story. I like the end of this song, I like how precise and final it is, and because you are following the story you are not expecting the surprise. I would like to use the element of surprise in my solo peice as I enjoy the unexpected and think it's a great way to entertain.

This is "Monkey & Bear" by Joanna Newsom. She also writes in verse and lets you follow the story in her songs. I like this song especially as it's about a monkey and a bear who escape together to look for a new life. I think it's a sweet story, though it has some darker undertones (bear falling into the sea for example). I would love to be able to write songs like this, I find Joanna Newsom really inspiring. I would like to use music and sound in my solo piece. I would also love to try writing in verse, I have written both poetry and fictional stories so I will try to combine the two styles. This year I am determined to try different styles (of performance, of speech/language etc) and I think starting with the style of context will be the best first step. I definitely want to create a fictional story/piece and I think writing "lyrically" will be really interesting.

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