Monday 26 November 2012

States of Mind

I have been interested in looking into the different states the human mind can be in. The obvious being our everyday emotions: Happy, sad, angry, surprised etc. But I am also most interested in the alternate and more extreme states we can enter into. Elation and depression would be good examples as polar opposites. I would like to focus more on elation. Although my final piece may indeed have darker undertones, or moments of sadness, I would like it to be an overall positive, inspiring and uplifting experience for my audience.

Project MK-Ultra was an American project, where people were given LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). The willingness of the participants has been allegedly debatable. The effects of the drug were monitored and left the subjects in a variety of different mental states.

These pictures were drawn by an artist who had taken the drug LSD. It's interesting to note the visual changes in perception they were having. A performer seeing something an audience cannot may be a good focus point to look into.

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