Tuesday 14 May 2013

Additional Research

I stumbled upon this site, called "10 mind-blowing theories that will change your perception of the world" which I found really interesting. I think Cassandra would have a very philosophical view on life and I think the theory of Solipsism would be interesting for her to explore.

"Solipsism is a philosophical theory, which asserts that nothing exists but the individual’s consciousness. At first it seems silly – and who generally got it into his head completely deny the existence of the world around us? Except when you put your mind to it, it really is impossible to verify anything but your own consciousness.
Don’t you believe me? Think a moment and think of all the possible dreams that you have experienced in your life. Is it not possible that everything around you is nothing but an incredibly intricate dream? But we have people and things around us that we cannot doubt, because we can hear, see, smell, taste and feel them, right? Yes, and no. People who take LSD, for example, say that they can touch the most convincing hallucinations, but we do not claim that their visions are “reality”. Your dreams simulate sensations as well, after all, what you perceive is what different sections of your brain tell you to.
As a result, which parts of existence can we not doubt? None. Not the chicken we ate for dinner or the keyboard beneath our fingers. Each of us can only be sure in his own thoughts." 

As Cassandra is in a very small space I would like it to feel like some sort of make-shift bomb shelter. She is preparing for the end of the world because she can see it happening, she can predict it. I think if she was to explore and explain a bit about solipsism as well as warning the audience about the end of the world it could gain one of four reactions:

  • The audience will believe the theory of Solipsism, but not Cassandra. (Meaning they won't believe Cassandra's warning and feel safe in their own mind.)
  • The audience will believe Cassandra, but not the theory of Solipsism. (Meaning they may believe everyone is doomed to die at the end of the World.)
  • The audience will fully believe both. (Meaning they may be scared of being essentially alone in the universe at the end of the world.) 
  • The audience won't believe either. (Meaning they may think they are stuck in a small space with a mad woman.)
I would find any of these outcomes quite interesting and would like to hear feedback from audience members after the show. 


I've been working at the script over the last few weeks and I think it's nearly there! I have about 15 minutes worth at the moment which is my main worry as I have to perform 20 minutes, so I am re-working some sections and will post the full script on here soon. I am going to use a section of text I found on a webpage called voices as it is only short and I think it works well with what I already have. I am also going to add "hear our voice, o lord our god" into the script as it is the title of the painting I have used as part-inspiration for Cassandra character.

Thursday 25 April 2013


I am going to stage my performance in 'Kevin's Space' in the Harvey Theatre. It is a smaller, long space so I will perform in Traverse. I think this style will allow for a lot of pacing and small movements and at the same time create a close and intense atmosphere for the audience. I am considering having some household props about the space so the audience feel they are in my character's personal space at all times. I am also considering playing some classical music on record player to act as background music - though this is something I need to test with the script first.

Work In Progess

We have to show some of our work in progress to the group next week and I feel quite under prepared! I have already spoke to the class about my previous ideas on Utopia, so I don't want to repeat myself there. I am currently re-working one of the 5 minute pieces I did in the workshops sessions as I think it is a good starting point for my final character. It is the piece inspired by the Edward Hopper painting. I think I am going to bring in some of the costume ideas I've had, the Jacob Kramer painting and then show a 5 minute section of what I'm currently developing.

"This morning i woke up alone, a gap in the great bed to vast for my lone body, I blinked confused, sad and looked
about the room. The once magnificant towering walls about me, which enclosed the bed in wonderous patterns and a
kolidescope of endless colours and shape are stood strong still, but bare. There is nothing there.
Grabbing and clutching at too much covers for my lone soul, I hold myself up and sit quietly tightly processing the
change, maybe just complacent though definitley not contented with the new found situation. Surroundings I have always
thought can alter the subconsious mind and bring forward posible subdued feelings, and in this case the bare walls
told me I was blue.
Blue, yes blue are the walls and now so is my mind. Gazing forward, I notice first that I am still waking and my thoughts
are still adjusting, I notice secondly that there hanging there, is one remaining lone picture. How symbolic. It's trees.
Trees have always held a special sort of meaning, here. Trees I imagine are the mothers of the earth, lone standing mothers,
all strong and some together. Family of trees that gave life to us. Stupid little monkeys. Sad lonely little monkeys.
I'm desperately searching my mind for the answers here, sitting now alone in my bare little cemented box... I sigh.
And I let the anxt go.
The ceiling is bare too.
The window is wide open.
The door is bolted shut.
Thoughts and zaned ideas begin rushing ferosiously through my head. I feel something is warped, what happened here?
My mind offers no recollection. My body is weak. My soul... Hears something.
I heard once there are voices, if you listen closely. Yes the voices are there.
If you start listening to them, they start listening to you.
And if you look, really look. You will see them. They like to hide, but they're everywhere.
You look right at them, and they'll look right back at you.
The walls are bare.
And there's no-one there.

I think I'll smoke today.
I might look out the window."

I liked this style of writing and think it would suit my new character. I would like to start my solo piece off with this text and I am going to develop it further so that it works towards my Utopia ideas.

Tuesday 23 April 2013


Jacob Kramer - 'Hear Our Voice, O Lord Our God'

I saw this painting back in February while on work placement in Leeds and found it really powerful. I would really like to use this image as something to work towards in my solo piece. I could begin the piece quite 'normal' and with the use of lights and changing my physicality I could end in this position. 

I have currently been reading some plays by Sarah Kane. Although I do not wish to incorporate her style fully (as some of her adult/alternative themes would not compliment my own) I do like the intensity of her writing and wish to replicate her captivating flare. Themes of pain and death which are found in her plays work with my new character, as she has a very troubled mind and can only see death and torture for all in the future. When writing my piece I will keep Sarah Kane's plays and style in mind.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Costume Design Take 2

New Character

After discussing my options with Dianne, I have decided to create a new character and perform as just them. This will enable me to focus more on the context and writing of the piece, rather than having to rush and worry about set and costume changes in such a small amount of time.
The character I am currently developing is female, and in her early 50's. She is eccentric, though appears friendly and quite 'normal' at first. She is eager to please and help others, though her efforts are usually dismissed. She used to be pretty and 'free' in her youth, but now she is plagued by the dreams and visions she has of the future - a world where humans are used for experiments and no-one ever dies. No-one ever believes her, but she is so determined to prove herself she frantically starts to collect clues to find out Government plans.To add to her eccentricity, I am thinking of giving her some unusual quirks and possessions. She may twitch a little, as if she is over-tired or stressed, and I think she will have a colorful bohemian style of dress.
I am feeling quite confident about this character at the moment, and I am going to work on her background more over the next couple of weeks. I am going to research into the Cassandra Complex, as I think a deeper understanding will enable me to correctly apply elements of the Greek tale to give my character a stronger journey and persona.I am glad that I have been able to find a middle ground between my old and new ideas, I feel like I am still able to use all my previous research and channel it into the story and beliefs of my new character.