Tuesday 14 May 2013

Additional Research

I stumbled upon this site, called "10 mind-blowing theories that will change your perception of the world" which I found really interesting. I think Cassandra would have a very philosophical view on life and I think the theory of Solipsism would be interesting for her to explore.

"Solipsism is a philosophical theory, which asserts that nothing exists but the individual’s consciousness. At first it seems silly – and who generally got it into his head completely deny the existence of the world around us? Except when you put your mind to it, it really is impossible to verify anything but your own consciousness.
Don’t you believe me? Think a moment and think of all the possible dreams that you have experienced in your life. Is it not possible that everything around you is nothing but an incredibly intricate dream? But we have people and things around us that we cannot doubt, because we can hear, see, smell, taste and feel them, right? Yes, and no. People who take LSD, for example, say that they can touch the most convincing hallucinations, but we do not claim that their visions are “reality”. Your dreams simulate sensations as well, after all, what you perceive is what different sections of your brain tell you to.
As a result, which parts of existence can we not doubt? None. Not the chicken we ate for dinner or the keyboard beneath our fingers. Each of us can only be sure in his own thoughts." 

As Cassandra is in a very small space I would like it to feel like some sort of make-shift bomb shelter. She is preparing for the end of the world because she can see it happening, she can predict it. I think if she was to explore and explain a bit about solipsism as well as warning the audience about the end of the world it could gain one of four reactions:

  • The audience will believe the theory of Solipsism, but not Cassandra. (Meaning they won't believe Cassandra's warning and feel safe in their own mind.)
  • The audience will believe Cassandra, but not the theory of Solipsism. (Meaning they may believe everyone is doomed to die at the end of the World.)
  • The audience will fully believe both. (Meaning they may be scared of being essentially alone in the universe at the end of the world.) 
  • The audience won't believe either. (Meaning they may think they are stuck in a small space with a mad woman.)
I would find any of these outcomes quite interesting and would like to hear feedback from audience members after the show. 

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