Wednesday 17 April 2013

New Character

After discussing my options with Dianne, I have decided to create a new character and perform as just them. This will enable me to focus more on the context and writing of the piece, rather than having to rush and worry about set and costume changes in such a small amount of time.
The character I am currently developing is female, and in her early 50's. She is eccentric, though appears friendly and quite 'normal' at first. She is eager to please and help others, though her efforts are usually dismissed. She used to be pretty and 'free' in her youth, but now she is plagued by the dreams and visions she has of the future - a world where humans are used for experiments and no-one ever dies. No-one ever believes her, but she is so determined to prove herself she frantically starts to collect clues to find out Government plans.To add to her eccentricity, I am thinking of giving her some unusual quirks and possessions. She may twitch a little, as if she is over-tired or stressed, and I think she will have a colorful bohemian style of dress.
I am feeling quite confident about this character at the moment, and I am going to work on her background more over the next couple of weeks. I am going to research into the Cassandra Complex, as I think a deeper understanding will enable me to correctly apply elements of the Greek tale to give my character a stronger journey and persona.I am glad that I have been able to find a middle ground between my old and new ideas, I feel like I am still able to use all my previous research and channel it into the story and beliefs of my new character.

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